The Lady explained that originally she wanted to name me Wicket but that there were several already-famous Wicket cats on the internet. Then it occurred to her she could keep the name she loved but call me Wiki for short, because wasn't that what I was going to be? A Wiki for cats? So while she was scooping cat boxes (thank goodness I don't need one of those) she lent me her laptop and I checked out Wikipedia.
I didn't realize a lot of websites were like stuffed animals. They survive off of love. When the Lady was a kid, her parents subscribed to the Encyclopedia Americana and they paid for each volume that was sent to them, for a full set of encyclopedias. But now we have the internet, and encyclopedias in hardcover have died. Still, to survive, it looks like the online versions of knowledge need money.
I don't have any money. I don't even have clothes yet, other than what I arrived in via the Amazon box. The Lady said she wasn't sure about giving me access to her PayPal account, but she showed me how she was making a $20 donation to Wikipedia via credit card so I didn't feel so odd poking around to see what a "Wiki" really was. When I searched around, it doesn't seem like Wikipedia is broke, but since I'm going to be using their search, and I'm named after them, it doesn't seem like $20 is too out of line. It's a big bag of cat food. So the donation is feeding my Wikipedia appetite for a bit of time. The Lady explained that a lot of what I will be doing is explaining to readers what they should look for when they donate online themselves. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that, but I'll start with Wikipedia and we'll see.
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